Developing of the management capacity and the growth in KLUBVERBAND ITA Ltd. through introduction of specialized services, acquisition of international certifications and use of information and communication technologies and services

The project envisages development of managerial capacity and productivity growth in KLUBFERBAND ITA by over 30% through support for specialized services and promote the use of information and communication technologies and services, namely: Consultancy reengineering five business processes (1) The process of planning and decision-making (2) the process of organization of resources including management of depreciated equipment (3) the process of organization of production processes and services, including new activities deployment of ICT based software for transport, comprehensive service of technical systems engineering, system integration of electronic systems, computer networks and cabling; communications systems, "gateway" systems ISDN, LAN and GSM networks; (4) the process of implementation of product and service, creating a distribution and service network for the first time in Bulgaria and the Western Balkans (5) increasing exports.   Implementation of a management system for information security ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and certification and recertification of the company according to the most recent version of the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015 is planned purchase of tester for quality control of manufactured or serviced facilities; Introduction of ICT based management software for supply chain, servicing and customer relations vizualization of the project; The project aims at implementing for the first time system to manage supply chain and service with a range of over 50 articles and two service centers in Bulgaria and the Balkans , curriculum to create an effective and functional team bringing together staff from different backgrounds, preparation and responsibility , a service model based on European regulations for regular maintenance of automated systems and electrical installations. The duration of the project is 18 months.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Mar, 2017
End date 10 Jan, 2019
Contract date 07 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 264,000.00
Grant 184,800.00
Self finance 79,200.00
Total paid 110,747.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
