Our project is a direct result of the Clever Book’s managerial efforts for increasing of the overall competitiveness of the company and expansion of our market presence through realization of innovative digital educational products for learning by gamification of reading process when kids could develop key intellectual skills and easily gain substantial knowledge. The project was created following a thorough analysis concerning effectiveness of all processes related with market realization of our products. It is primarily focused on development and acquisition of a complex software platform for managing all client related procedures, aiming at overall optimization of supply, sells and delivery of our educational products to the end users of local and international market. In order fully to achieve our ambitious goals the company needs to undertake a series of investments for acquiring a full software solution enabling us to optimize, upgrade and perfect our educational digital and hard copy products and services for the different age segments of readers. The main reason for such important investment decision comes as a result of studying the dynamics of changes transforming the classical means and tools for education following the expansion of internet as an organized form of education and schooling. This process creates enormous opportunities, which we as a company actively engaged in supporting tools for lifelong learning are willing to fully utilize by harnessing the power of modern information technologies. For our effective development on the global market we have envisaged also introduction of management system under ISO 14001 standard. It is a necessary part and a sort of pre-requirement for doing business in our market segment enforced by our foreign partners and contractors, who need to be sure that our products comply with the latest standards and regulations for environmental safety and protection.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 29 Jun, 2018 |
Contract date | 13 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 321,300.00 |
Grant | 224,910.00 |
Self finance | 96,390.00 |
Total paid | 223,265.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |