Optimizing the engineering processes in Biomashinostroene AD for increased management capacity and growth

Biomashinostroene AD is established in 1986 and is specialized in designing and manufacturing of technological equipment from stainless steel for the food, pharmacy and chemical industries. As a main restraint for their growth Biomashinostoene points out the lack of integrated informational system for product data management while conducting the main engineering processes. This leads to delays in compiling the technical documentation, insufficient coordination between the sections and possibility of making technical mistakes. This investment project plans to introduce engineering data management system with possibility for 3D designing, which will provide the needed tools for designing, simulation, technical communication and data management, as well as optimization of the engineering and other processes in the firm. Furthermore, they will obtain backup software and five powerful working stations for the leading constructors, necessary for operating with the specialized PDM system. The main goal of the project is to further develop the management capacity at Biomashinostroene AD and to foster their growth by optimizing the engineering processes in the enterprise, which will encourage the use of ICT. The specific goals of the project are: Introducing a specialized engineering data management system with possibility for 3D designing; Obtaining backup software and five working stations for the leading constructors which will contribute to the introduction of the ICT based engineering data management system. As a result of the successful implementation of the planned activities, the Biomashinostroene capacity for strengthened presence on the more competitive external markets will increase. This will be feasible thanks to the introduced engineering data management system with possibility for 3D designing and the optimized business processes for fostering their management capacity and growth.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Mar, 2017
End date 27 Sep, 2018
Contract date 13 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 416,000.00
Grant 291,200.00
Self finance 124,800.00
Total paid 291,060.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
