Development of managerial capacity in Klima KG Ltd

Klima KG Ltd is a company dedicated to cooling and ventilation systems. According to the idea of sustainability and expansion of market presence the company management looks at the effectiveness of the actual governance model. It starts a project aimed at optimization of the applied organization practices. The aim of the initiative is to ensure the development of managerial capacity in the company and its growth in the market. The project includes certification, recertification and CE marks. These systems will work in the complex and the idea is to provide quality and sustainability about the company. Their application is associated with: - Improvement and optimization of organizational processes - Improved model for production and quality - Providing economic efficiency and sustainability of the market The execution of the project should takes place within 18 months. During that period specialized software companies will provide the desired IT management processes in the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Mar, 2017
End date 12 Mar, 2019
Contract date 13 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 37,699.62
Grant 26,389.73
Self finance 11,309.89
Total paid 7,745.50
EU participation percent 85.0%
