The main activity of the company “Komsoft” OOD is development, implementation and maintenance of information systems, including specialized information systems, that are produced by the most renowned worldwide developers. The firm’s focus is on the development, integration and maintenance of customized according to the clients’ needs applied software programs and information technologies, system integration, trainings as well as consulting services in this sector. The development in the information and communication technologies sector, the inability to improve the existing types of managing and organizing as well as the uncompetitive positions of the European markets lead to the need of investing in the development and in strengthening the management capacity of the company as well as the implementation and the use of modern information and communication systems. By executing the project activities, through: - The implementation of ERP that meets the requirements of ISO 20000-1:2011,ISO 27001:2013,ISO 9001:2015 and certifying it by ISO 20000-1:2011,ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 - The implementation and the certifying of system for environmental control ISO 14001:2015 - Reengineering of the processes at Komsoft - The acquisition and implementation of an ERP - Investment in noncurrent tangible assets that would support the implementation of the ERP and the implementation of an environmental management system that meets the requirements ISO 14001:2015 all current management and organizational deficiencies as well as the barriers for the overall development of the company would be overcome. Also thus the problems connected with the lack of process automatization, the suboptimal use of resources as well as the limited technology capacity would be overcome. The successful implementation of the project will improve the capacity of the company and the better presence of the company at the intensively competitive domestic as well as foreign markets.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 30 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 07 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 224,485.00 |
Grant | 157,139.50 |
Self finance | 67,345.50 |
Total paid | 141,247.40 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |