Convoy-World AD is a medium-sized enterprise for production and trade of kitchen sponges, towels, dish cloths, detergents etc. The stage of development which the enterprise has reached demands for improvement of management models and organization of key processes in its activity, so as to secure sustainable growth and more successful positions on competitive international markets. During the last 5 years dynamic changes have occurred at the enterprise, the market environment have been changing, and the existing system of resource management is not in line with the new requirements. A need has been identified to implement a new generation ERP system and a better management of the environmental processes. Based on the needs identified the project is aiming at the following specific objectives: - Improvement of management and organizational processes through implementation of ICT based ERP system. - Improvement of processes related to management of environmental impact through implementation and certification of Environmental Management System/EMS/ in line with ISO14001 standard. With regards to achieving the objectives the project includes implementation of the following activities: - Activity for development and strengthening of the management capacity through implementation and certification of ISO14001 Standart. - Activity to stimulate and use ICT and services through purchase and implementation of an integrated system for planning and management of the enterprise resources /ERP system/. Expected results from the project fulfilment are: - Implemented and certified system for environmental management system in accordance to ISO14001 standard, which will contribute to decrease of the environmental impact of Convoy-World business activity. - Supplied and implemented integrated ERP system for improvement of the following processes: planning and decision-making, resource organization, organization of production process, product realization, waste management.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 22 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 13 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 369,550.00 |
Grant | 258,685.00 |
Self finance | 110,865.00 |
Total paid | 258,580.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |