The project will upgrade the web-based information systems available in IBA as well as the results of projects implemented during the previous programming period and the activities covered by the Contract № BG161PO003-4.1.01-0001-C0001 "Promoting the advantages of investing in Bulgaria" implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme " the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy " 2007 – 2013. Under the framework of the project the already developed an Integrated Information System is envisaged to be upgraded with an online platform" Virtual Office", that will include the following functional areas: providing online consultation services via platform for webinars; investment calculator; register of investors; register with free areas and production bases; interactive map of human resources; portal and content management system; system for structured data. Upgrading all available on-line software systems is aimed at improving the quality and quantity of services provided to current and potential investors in order to stimulate investments in key Bulgarian sectors with high development potential by providing institutional support to IBA to improve the business environment and positioning Bulgaria as known and preferred destination for investment. To satisfy the need of maintainance of current information and raising the level of awareness of potential investors about the investment climate in Bulgaria is envisaged to be elaborated annual sectoral studies on the status and trends of key industries, the development of specific programs to attract investors and their annual update . The up-to-date information is crucial important for the effective functioning of the investment calculator, the interactive map of the workforce and providing consultancies by the Virtual Office.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jan, 2017 |
End date | 20 Jan, 2022 |
Contract date | 20 Jan, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,474,022.00 |
Grant | 2,474,022.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 884,937.84 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |