Cluster Mehtaronica Ltd. is a limited liability company, registered on 06.12.2016. The members are: Cood Riders OOD, BART 99 OOD, DYNAMO SLIVEN AD, HYDROCAR OOD, Klima Luft EOOD, "LOGO MARKET RESEARCH AND CONSULTING" LTD, "Chuchuliga" EOOD, TI ER EC Ltd. and "New Opportunity" Foundation. The union is of national importance as it has regional offices in a number of cities - Sliven, Kazanlak, Sofia, Svoge. The main goal of Cluster Mechatronics is to create a rapidly growing cluster organization by offering a variety of services to industrial enterprises in the field of mechatronics and automation. The implementation of the project will create prerequisites for the future development of the organization by building an administrative and managerial team of the cluster to work towards the objectives set. Improving communication, cooperation, exchange of know-how, information and experience among members are the main goal of the newly created cluster. Promoting it will increase its recognition, guarantee the quality of its products and services and help increase its membership. The activities included in the project proposal include strengthening the organization's resilience at the initial stage of its existence, promoting its brand, identity and development strategy, carrying out specific activities to increase cluster confidence and attract new members. The following activities are intended to achieve the objectives set: • Appointing staff to administer, coordinate and manage cluster activity; • Organization of specialized conferences; • Participation in international exhibitions and fairs and forums; • Development of a strategy for internationalization and market research for the targeted markets; • Promote the name of the merger and its services / products.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 16 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 01 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 487,086.65 |
Grant | 389,669.33 |
Self finance | 97,417.32 |
Total paid | 313,455.33 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |