The main objective of the project is to promote the establishment and strengthening of the organizational and administrative functions of the CCB in support of business cooperation and development of cluster services in the field of cultural and creative industries. The following activities are envisaged for the achievement of the objectives: 1. Creation and resource provision of the activity of the administrative body of the CCB; 2. Improving the capacity and administrative body of the CCB for management and coordination; 3. Supporting the development of the CCB and attracting new members; 4 Promoting the name of the CCB and its services; 5. Specialized trainings abroad for enhancing cluster capacity for collaboration and internationalization; 6 Providing consulting services for market entry, research and provision of synthesized information on targeted markets; 7 Developing a strategy for the internationalization of the CCP; 8 Creating Collaborations and Internationalization of CCB; 9 Publicity and visualization of the project. As a result of the implementation of the activities, the following results are expected: the administrative body of the CCB; Provided computer equipment - 8 pcs. Laptops and 1 MFA required for the effective operation of the office; Increased staff capacity; Organized and conducted 6 types of training for CCB employees; 9 events were organized and conducted to present the CCB and its services and to attract new members; Cluster name promotion and dissemination of information on services; Providing consultancy services for entering new markets; A strategy for the internationalization of the CCB; Participation of representatives of the administrative body of the cluster and of member organizations in 4 international exhibitions and fairs; Established contacts and advanced cooperation between the CCB and three of the largest clusters in Europe; Popularized project.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 17 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 15 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 487,618.00 |
Grant | 390,094.40 |
Self finance | 97,523.60 |
Total paid | 329,634.48 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |