The project and its activities are aiming at developing the cluster administrative body; establishing sustainable collaboration with other key players; improving the export potential; achieving a high level of internationalization and improving the competitiveness of the organization and its members. BAMC was approved as a cluster in initial developmental phase by the BSMEPA in relation to which the planned activities of the project are under the scope of Component 1 (Activity 1 “Administrative management of BAMC cluster”; Activity 2 ”Improving the capacity of the administrative staff of the cluster via trainings”; Activity 3 “Improving the capacity of the administrative staff of the cluster via exchange of good practices and experience’; and under Component 2 ( Activity 4 “Supporting cluster development and attracting new members in the organization”; Activity 5 “Enhancing the export potential and improving the perspectives for international cooperation of BAMC ”; Activity 6 “Cluster marketing”; Activity 7 “Stimulating the internationalization of BAMC cluster”; Activity 8 “Providing expert assistance for the internationalization of the cluster”; Activity 9 “Publicity and visualization”) of “Developing of clusters in Bulgaria” procedure. The expected benefits and results from executing the project activities and achieving its aims are related to: boosted national and international recognition of the cluster; achieved sustainable development of the cluster; improved level of integration and cooperation of the local metal constructions’ producers,; enhanced capacity for producing competitive value added products and services and higher market share for the BAMC members on regional, national and international level.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 17 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 06 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 427,881.66 |
Grant | 342,305.33 |
Self finance | 85,576.33 |
Total paid | 322,072.37 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |