The project is aimed at receiving support for development and enhancement of the organizational and administrative capacity of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City - a cluster at initial stage of development, according to the categorization done by BSMEPA. The project foresees execution of 6 project activities - 2 under Comp. 1 and 4 under Comp. 2 of the procedure. Comp.1, Act. 1: Establishment and provision of resources for the cluster's administrative body by recruiting 7 experts for management and coordination of the activities, renting 2 premises and purchasing computer equipment; Comp.1, Act. 2: Enhancing the capacity of the administrative body for cluster's management and coordination by specialized training, international conference and exchanging experience under individualized programs; Comp.2, Act. 3: Providing support for the cluster's development and attracting new members by organizing 3 public events - Infoday, Sofia International Conference and Sofia exhibition for knowledge and innovation; Comp.2, Act. 4: Marketing promotion and popularization by information materials, marketing strategy and Front-end platform with Data Base, consulting services and acquiring a quality label; Comp. 2, Act. 5: Capacity building of the cluster and its members for collaboration by hiring an internationalization expert, involvement of 60 representatives in partnership visits, participation in national forums, meetings within the network of knowledge clusters and specialized international exhibitions; Comp. 2, Act. 6: Dissemination and visualization. Expected results: recruited and trained management and development personnel; provided working spaces and assets; assured representation in front of clients and partners; developed strategy and master plan; developed platform with data base; hired internationalization expert; received consulting services and label for quality; assured participation of 60 cluster representatives at international meetings, fairs and forums.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 22 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 23 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 22 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 438,722.00 |
Grant | 350,977.60 |
Self finance | 87,744.40 |
Total paid | 287,710.71 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |