Development of “National Cluster for Fashion Clothing” Ltd under component 1 and 2 of the “Cluster Development in Bulgaria” procedure

The current project proposal aims to develop the capacity and raise the competitiveness of “National Cluster for Fashion Clothing” Ltd which is at an early stage of development. To achieve this goal, a number of actions under Components 1 and 2 of this procedure are foreseen, the main ones being: 4. Development and support for organizational and administrative strengthening of the cluster; 5. Aiding cluster development and attracting new members by organizing and conducting a series of events and workshops to present the cluster and to promote its activities and its products/services; 6. Promote cluster marketing with the help of interconnected and complementary measures such as • Development of a marketing strategy of the cluster; • Consultant services for entering in another market incl. market researches and analysis of target markets; • Popularization of the cluster’s name (brand) and its products/services; • Participation of the cluster in national and international fairs and exhibitions; • Establishing and promoting cooperation with other clusters, including in other countries, and building transnational cluster links; • Providing an expert for establishment of collaborations and internationalization. The main expected outcome of the project implementation is the institutional strengthening of the cluster as well as enhancing the integration and cooperation between the individual members of the cluster, including the development of competitive business products and services. An effective and sustained expansion of the cluster market positions and its members in their main target markets will be ensured in a timely manner, paying special attention to encouraging their active presence in foreign markets.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Nov, 2017
End date 27 Aug, 2019
Contract date 09 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 429,411.25
Grant 343,528.99
Self finance 85,882.26
Total paid 281,157.81
EU participation percent 85.0%
