Sustainable development of cluster "Knowledge-intensive development association"

The aim of this proposal is to facilitate the development of cluster “Knowledge-intensive development association” (KIDA) towards consolidation of its administrative and organizational capacity, improvement of business cooperation through attraction of new and development of cluster members, intensive utilization of the effect of the cooperation by analyses, development and marketing of common and interconnected products and services, enhancement of members’ and cluster productivity as leader of the national and international market, acquisition of new markets. This will be achieved, inter alia, by identification of new tender (public and private) and grant opportunities on national and international level, intensive collaboration with the higher education aimed at the generation of high quality labor force through elaboration of new, innovative and business-oriented courses, bachelor and master programs and set-up of innovative distance-learning programs in English aimed at, among others, the attraction of foreign students. Under component 1: 1. Establishment of KIDA’s administrative body and resource provision – recruitment of administrative staff – Business developers and Education and training programs experts; purchase of computer equipment for the administrative staff; 2. Enhancement of the administrative capacity – organization and participation of sector events and trainings; Under component 2: 1. Support of cluster development and attraction of new members – organization and participation of trainings and events; 2. Encouragement of cluster marketing – marketing activities aimed at promotion of the cluster and its products and services, including development and improvement of the webpage; 3. Publicity and visualization activities

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Nov, 2017
End date 17 Oct, 2019
Contract date 01 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 363,230.70
Grant 290,584.57
Self finance 72,646.13
Total paid 256,396.42
EU participation percent 85.0%
