The Development of Cluster Innovative Health Solutions Cluster includes cluster organizational and administrative strengthening activities, providing the necessary prerequisites and conditions for enhancing the research and innovation potential of the cluster as a whole, respectively. To create high-quality and market-responsive products and services. Within the framework of the project thanks to the creation of active cooperation and between members of the cluster and access to resources, know-how and others, will be developed an innovative competitive product "I-Health community" in the field of healthcare, using the capabilities of modern electronic technologies, whose main purpose is to provide a specialized service enabling each user of health services to create and manage Personal health information, as well as exercise control and monitoring of third party actions related to his / her personal health information. The project includes, besides activities to increase the administrative capacity and research potential of the cluster and develop an innovative competitive product, as well as creating prerequisites for promoting cooperation and internationalization, which is essential to ensure the competitive advantages of the cluster of the global Market. The participation of representatives of the cluster's administrative body and of cluster members of world-famous international exhibitions and fairs in the field of the project idea, which presuppose the creation of co-operation and internationalization and responce, are of key importance for the realization of the objectives of the project proposal. . Enhancing Competitiveness and Business Development of Cluster Innovative Health Solutions
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 30 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 15 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 481,700.00 |
Grant | 385,359.98 |
Self finance | 96,340.02 |
Total paid | 297,372.76 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |