Implementation of activities for diversification of the production of Cluster for development of efficient energy

Cluster for development of efficient energy is an organization specialized in the field of energy efficient lighting, design, engineering, production, implementation and maintenance of LED technologies and innovations. The cluster was established in November 2012 and brings together companies with activity and / or interests in the field of LED, energy-saving and energy-efficient LED technologies. Among the objectives of the Cluster are to work and assist in the development of new technologies in the field of energy efficient lighting directly related to environmental protection; To promote, develop and support companies developing new technologies for energy efficient lighting; To promote the take-up and use of new technologies in the field of energy efficient lighting and others. Following this set of goals, the Cluster offers as products and services on the market the development of a complete strategy for supporting the private business engaged in the production, design, engineering, implementation and maintenance of LED technologies in the spheres of: - Promotion of LED products and services, access to innovation, know-how exchange - LED technologies, innovation and LED lighting - Development of innovative products - Promoting and presenting the benefits of using LED technology to end customers and the public at large. Following the cluster's adopted marketing strategy and its striving to meet the needs of its members as well as offering up-to-date and highly competitive products on the national and European markets was determined the need to introduce diversification of the activities of the Cluster's production with regard to the expanding the Cluster's portfolio and entering new markets. Within the project a new product will be developed a test laboratory capable of performing high-voltage tests.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 27 Nov, 2017
End date 13 Feb, 2019
Contract date 27 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 2,140,390.00
Grant 1,498,305.00
Self finance 642,085.00
Total paid 1,491,437.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
