"Development of Cluster "INTER MODA TRADING" Ltd."

Cluster «Inter Moda Trading» Ltd. is a legal entity registered under the Commercial Law in 2011 and is organized on an industrial-geographic basis. The cluster includes leading manufacturers from textile and clothing industry, operating on the territory of the Southwest Planning Region /SPR/. Cluster’s members have common economic interests and are united in order to work towards enhancing competitiveness, productivity, efficiency and smart specialization of the regional industry according to the requirements, trends and pressures of the European and world markets. The current project is aimed at developing capacity and internationalization of the Cluster as a factors for enhancing competitiveness and business development. In order to effectively achieve the objective and in view of the fact that Cluster «Inter Moda Trading» Ltd. is classified as a cluster at an early stage of development, within the project there is a set of eligible, interrelated and upgrading activities under Component 1 and Component 2 of this procedure, namely: Element A: Activity 1: Creating and providing resources for the activity of the administrative body of the cluster Element B: Activity 2: Supporting the development of cluster and attracting new members Activity 3: Promoting cluster marketing Activity 4: Publicity and visualization of the project. This project falls within the priorities of the procedure, relating to regional concentration of cluster in the Southwest Planning Region (SPR) and thematically prioritization in view of the project's compliance with priority for the Southwestern Planning region Specialization "New technologies in creative and recreational industries" of Innovation strategy for smart specialization.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Nov, 2017
End date 08 Oct, 2019
Contract date 09 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 347,165.88
Grant 277,732.70
Self finance 69,433.18
Total paid 261,128.44
EU participation percent 85.0%
