Setting up a new joint city planning testing and simulation facility to improve the competitiveness and business development of INKO cluster and its members

For its 5-year history of development, the INKO cluster, categorized by BSMEPA as a developing cluster, succeeded in uniting the interests of 26 organizations from 17 different sectors from both the country and abroad, developing its administrative capacity and realizing a series of projects and services for internal and external customers. Our focus is on smart solutions - IT infrastructure, information systems, monitoring, control, urban and logistics planning, etc. The aim of the project is to create a new business unit in the city of Veliko Tarnovo - an intelligent city planning simulation and testing lab, thus covering two priority thematic areas of the region under ISIS (ICT and Mechatronics in the South Central Region). The shared lab will solve three types of cross-related tasks: 1. Validation, calibration and certification of individual or integrated joint technical solutions by means of technical testing in a laboratory environment (tangible assets) 2. Efficiency assessment and demonstration of the benefits of various engineering solutions through specialized software (non-tangible asset) 3. Analysis of the sentiment of society and stakeholders in order to harmonize society's strongest issues with the perceived benefits of the planned solutions and the effectiveness of the respective urban planning and management measures (to be) taken (non-tangible asset) The focus of the project activities is thus the provision of the above-mentioned specialized equipment. This designs the typical investment profile of the project under the conditions and within the thresholds for the "regional investment aid" Component (3). A "publicity and visualization" activity is envisaged to ensure information and publicity measures are taken to advertise EU's financial contribution to the project (Component 2).

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Dec, 2017
End date 17 Sep, 2019
Contract date 06 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 2,067,450.00
Grant 1,447,215.00
Self finance 620,235.00
Total paid 1,434,230.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
