"Support for Building and Strengthening the Capacity of Cluster "Association of Copyright Content Creators" (ACCC) "

The present project is aiming to providing support for the development and strengthening of the organizational and administrative capacity of Cluster "Association of Copyright Content Creators" - a group of companies with code economic activity - J59. According to BSMEPA, the candidate is a cluster in its initial stage of development. The project includes the following activities under Components 1 and 2: Component 1: Activity-1: Creating and providing resources for the cluster's administrative body, providing a team for managing and coordinating cluster’s activities (4 experts), purchasing 3 items - comp. configuration and 2 laptops. Activity 2: Increase administrative capacity. A body for managing and coordinating the cluster through participation in seminars, trainings, conferences, etc. Component-2: Activity 3: Helping cluster development through Organizing and participating in events to present the cluster and its products / services, attracting new clients and cluster members. Organizing and participating in specialized trainings in the country and abroad for enhancing the capacity of the cluster to create collaborations and internationalization. Activity 4: Promote Cluster Marketing Through 4.1. Develop a strategy for cluster internationalization. 4.2. Survey on external markets, including research and information on the targeted markets. 4.3. Promote the name of the cluster and its products / services by creating an online data base for its activity. 4.4. Participation of the cluster at international exhibitions and fairs, TV and film markets. Activity 5: Publicity and visualization of the project. The expected results from the implementation of these activities are: provide the necessary staff and resources to manage and coordinate the cluster activity; increased administrative capacity; developed strategy for the internationalization of cluster activities; ensure the presentation of cluster products to customers and partners abroad.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Nov, 2017
End date 04 Sep, 2019
Contract date 06 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 473,032.00
Grant 378,425.60
Self finance 94,606.40
Total paid 348,571.12
EU participation percent 85.0%
