Capacity development and internationalization of the products of Cluster ITOS

The association CLUSTER ITOS was founded in 2013. Members of the Cluster are leading IT companies, scientific organizations with the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgarian non-governmental organizations, municipalities and other companies. The Association works to stimulate the development of information technology (IT), the infrastructure for the provision of IT services, the outsourcing of IT services from Bulgaria - cloud services, maintenance of the IT infrastructure, creation and development of information systems, consumer and other services. The present project will contribute to the development of the capacity and internationalization of the Cluster's products, with the creation of a new promising product, a TaaS-type service (Testing as a Service). The new product will be created, tested and built and subsequently marketed by the Simulation Center, established on the territory of the town of Gabrovo. The Center, as well as the development laboratory will be a major "tool" for common cluster activities, improving the quality of existing cluster products and developing new cluster products. The main focus of the project shall be the internationalization of the "SME" Promotion Agency (Executive Agency for the promotion of SME) as a "developing" Cluster ITOS. The project activities will contribute to the effective foreign market development into the United Kingdom, Serbia, Bosnia, France, Belgium, Germany and Macedonia. The project provides for a series of promotional events in the country and overseas to ensure the successful implementation of new and existing cluster products. The employees of the organization and its members will be trained to implement successful models of managing the processes of internationalization and creating effective collaborations.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Nov, 2017
End date 17 Sep, 2019
Contract date 13 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,999,765.80
Grant 1,448,358.14
Self finance 551,407.66
Total paid 1,435,043.62
EU participation percent 85.0%
