Pack for economic development ProIntEx

The project aims to develop the capacity of the newly created ProIntEx cluster. Initially, the administrative body will be created and resource-assured. A manager, accountant and organizer of activities / events / marketing will be appointed. The office of the company will be hired and equipped. The operation of 4 working groups of cluster members will be provided. The administrative capacity of the company will be increased through participation in 6 short-term specialized trainings and 12 information events / conferences / exchange of experience / good practices in the country. Cluster development will be helped and new members will be involved through the organization of 2 local events and 2 national cluster presentations, as well as by the participation of 5 cluster representatives in the "Cluster Branding Masterclass" and "Machmaking event". Cluster marketing will be promoted through: Developing an Internationalization Strategy and hiring an internationalization expert for 12 months; Developing a short interactive video to promote ProIntEx and his products and services; Acquisition of a bronze European cluster label; Creating transnational cluster links; Visit to an tematic for ProIntEx international fair. Ensuring publicity and visualization of the project will take place in three directions: - For the general public - through two paid publications in the local media and regular publication of project information on the ProIntex website and members' websites; - For Business Partners, Clients, Employees, Stakeholders - 10 project banners; - For foreign contacts - Visualization of 20 pcs. thematic bulgarian calendars.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Nov, 2017
End date 10 Feb, 2020
Contract date 28 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 365,063.16
Grant 292,050.53
Self finance 73,012.63
Total paid 206,154.77
EU participation percent 85.0%
