The project aims to develop the capacity of the newly created ProIntEx cluster. Initially, the administrative body will be created and resource-assured. A manager, accountant and organizer of activities / events / marketing will be appointed. The office of the company will be hired and equipped. The operation of 4 working groups of cluster members will be provided. The administrative capacity of the company will be increased through participation in 6 short-term specialized trainings and 12 information events / conferences / exchange of experience / good practices in the country. Cluster development will be helped and new members will be involved through the organization of 2 local events and 2 national cluster presentations, as well as by the participation of 5 cluster representatives in the "Cluster Branding Masterclass" and "Machmaking event". Cluster marketing will be promoted through: Developing an Internationalization Strategy and hiring an internationalization expert for 12 months; Developing a short interactive video to promote ProIntEx and his products and services; Acquisition of a bronze European cluster label; Creating transnational cluster links; Visit to an tematic for ProIntEx international fair. Ensuring publicity and visualization of the project will take place in three directions: - For the general public - through two paid publications in the local media and regular publication of project information on the ProIntex website and members' websites; - For Business Partners, Clients, Employees, Stakeholders - 10 project banners; - For foreign contacts - Visualization of 20 pcs. thematic bulgarian calendars.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 28 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 28 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 365,063.16 |
Grant | 292,050.53 |
Self finance | 73,012.63 |
Total paid | 206,154.77 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |