Grant for E.P.I.C - for administration, promotion and internationalization

The current project is aimed at providing support, for the creation and resource provision of the organizational-administrative capacity of “Ecoproduct Invest Cluster”. According to the benchmarking carried out by IANMSP, accordance with the methodology approved under this procedure, the candidate unification is a cluster in the initial stage of development. The proposed project includes the implementation of activities under Component 1 and Component 2 of the "Cluster Development in Bulgaria" procedure, as follows: Component 1: Creating and providing resources for the cluster's administrative body by providing the necessary staff to manage and coordinate cluster activities (5 experts), resource provision activities - the cluster's administrative body. Component 2: Cluster development support and attracting new members by organizing a two-day seminar-workgroup; Promote cluster marketing by developing a marketing strategy for internationalization and implementing an advertising campaign to promote the cluster and its products; Promote cluster marketing direction internationalization by developing research and analysis of European and Asian markets and visiting four international and one national exhibitions for the presentation of cluster products. The expected results from the implementation of these activities are: provide the necessary staff to manage and coordinate the cluster activity; Organized seminar to attract new members, developed a marketing strategy for the internationalization of cluster activities; Conducted an advertising campaign to promote cluster activities and products, developed analysis of possible external markets and ensure the presentation of cluster products to potential customers and partners abroad.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Mar, 2018
End date 12 May, 2020
Contract date 13 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 198,050.00
Grant 158,440.00
Self finance 39,610.00
Total paid 103,307.50
EU participation percent 85.0%
