CLUSTER GEODINAMIC is a non-profit organization with members of universities, non-governmental organizations and private companies that share the idea of developing and modernizing science in the field of geodynamics through the application of transparency, accountability and efficiency of budget management, as well as the use of expertise Of professionals in the field of geodynamics, research and public procurement. The objectives of the Cluster are: 1.1. Conducting collaborative research to enhance the competitiveness and business development of Cluster members and the Cluster as a whole. 1.2. Introducing modern ICT-based practices for seismological research and research 1.3. Supporting and stimulating research in the field of geodynamics 1.4. Increasing the effectiveness of project management and spending of budget funds on the part of research organizations In order to achieve its goals, the cluster needs to strengthen the cluster's administrative body in order to achieve maximum interaction between individual members to create a common cluster product - geodynamic geodetic measurements to prevent the risk of earthquakes. As a result, the cluster activity and its product will be promoted by following a developed marketing strategy, organizing and participating in events, exhibitions and fairs, exploring the opportunities for entering other markets and performing marketing activities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Mar, 2018 |
End date | 31 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 30 Mar, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 440,700.00 |
Grant | 352,559.98 |
Self finance | 88,140.02 |
Total paid | 209,142.94 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |