Organizational and administrative strengthening, co-operation and internationalization of "Cooperative Cluster"

The overall objective of the project is the creation of a Cooperative cluster and its competitive international development. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Creating and developing the capacity of the Cooperative Cluster, by establishing and providing resources for the administrative body of the cluster, organization and participation in trainings 2. Encouraging cluster marketing, international strategic development of the activity of the cluster and its members by developing export potential, conducting research and strategy developing 3. Promotion, co-operation, collaboration and internationalization of the cluster to enhance its competitiveness and business development of its members through organizing and participating in events, trainings and exchange of experience and good practices Project activities include: - Establishing and providing resources for the activity of the cluster's administrative body - Supporting cluster development and attracting new members - Promote cluster marketing - Publicity and visualization of the project The project target groups are the cluster and its members. The expected results of the project implementation are to meet the following needs: - Established administrative body of the cluster, built capacity and provided resources for its activity - Encouragement of cluster’s marketing and the international strategic development of the cluster and its members - Promote and enhance the degree of integration and collaboration of the cluster and its members towards maximizing their capacity to develop competitive business products and services and to promote active presence in regional, national and foreign markets.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Nov, 2017
End date 09 Oct, 2019
Contract date 09 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 463,300.64
Grant 370,640.52
Self finance 92,660.12
Total paid 354,163.90
EU participation percent 85.0%
