Improving the production capacity of Olympia EOOD

The Project focuses on increasing the productivity of Olimpia Ltd through implementing new sewing machines, equipment and software in their manifacturing process. The need to increase the production quality, expand the scope of activities and adding new items, automate separate operations to reduce manual labour, optimize the working process and reduce the costs for materials, as well as the time for a unit of production, increase the productivity of the sewing company by approx. 25% and the its export potential, requires new functional modern equipment with specialized machines and software. The company located on the territory of Kostenets municipality aims at taking a successful place in the local economy as a small sustainable and competitive enterprise. The main objective of the project is to increase the market performance of Olympia Ltd by purchasing and implementing new machines and technologies that will provide its clients new products and services with high added value, competitive on the Bulgarian and European market. The following activities will be carried out aiming at improving the manufacturing process by purchasing a flat-flog overlock, an overlock, an interlock, a flatlock and a plotter; implementing new technologies and improving resource and production process efficiency by installing a Polypattern-Marker software; Publicity. The expected results of the grant are related to increasing the competitiveness of the enterprises, creating export potential and as a result, improving their market potential by implementing new technologies to their production process, achieving higher productivity, reducing production costs and optimization of the production chain, respectively increasing added value and active inclusion at all stages of the added value chain, as well as hiring new workers.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 03 Jul, 2018
End date 16 Mar, 2020
Contract date 03 Jul, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 68,070.00
Grant 61,263.00
Self finance 6,807.00
Total paid 54,421.20
EU participation percent 85.0%
