Promoting AQUA LID Ltd. to sustainable development and competitiveness by creating a product with high added value

"AQUA LID" Ltd. is a newly established company since 2018 with main activity manufacture of devices and apparatuses for special purpose measurements- NACE.BG 2008: 28.99. The company's ambition is to develop and successfully compete with other companies in the market by developing new advanced products that, on the one hand, have significant potential for sustainable development in view of their uniqueness and on the other hand are entirely market-oriented. In this connection, the company decided to start production of a product - a system for monitoring pollution of petroleum products, sediments and bio-waste in the water basins. Currently, on the Bulgarian and European markets, this type of production is poorly represented and the interest of the customers towards the product is significant, which is a prerequisite for successful market realization. Thus formulated the goal of AQUA LID LTD requires the formation of a team with high qualification and experience in the field of the pre-idea idea in order to ensure the successful start of the production of the device. The team members who will participate are well-qualified specialists with extensive technical and applied experience that ensures the successful implementation of the planned project activities and the achievement of a final result - starting a production of a product with high added value and market potential aimed at reducing the impact on the environment, enhancing resource efficiency, creating opportunities for social integration and sustainable social impact for society. The successful realization of the entrepreneurial idea of ​​the project envisages the purchase of specialized high-tech equipment and service, related to the development of technology, which will be used for production of the product. The overall concept of the product can be systematized as a concept that brings together all modern opportunities in the field of mechatronics and the industry for healthy life and biotechnology.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 10 Jun, 2019
End date 25 Jun, 2020
Contract date 10 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 249,343.20
Grant 199,474.56
Self finance 49,868.64
Total paid 194,128.26
EU participation percent 85.0%
