Market Realizing of the Entrepreneurship Idea: Web based client relationship management software for private learning centers from Language Soft Ltd.

Language Soft Ltd. is a Bulgarian company established in December 2017 with code of main economic activity 63.12 "Web-portals". The activities planned under the project cover the two eligible activities under BG16RFOP002-2.024 "Promotion of Entrepreneurship", in particular: activities for realization of the entrepreneurial idea market (Web based client relationship management software for private learning centers) and activities for visualization of the project. The planned project activities are in line with the horizontal policies set out in Art. 7 and Art. 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The project envisages that the sub-activities for realization of the entrepreneurial idea market defined in Activity 1 will be implemented through the following resources, the costs of which are included in the project budget: 1. Human resources, including: recruitment of qualified personnel - 5 persons; 2. Tangible and intangible resources, incl. purchase of: -LTA-1 video camera and 2 computer configurations; -LIA- development of 1 Three-module Online Software with Virtual Portfolio for Administrator, Teacher and Student. 3. Rental of work space in Lovech Town for 17 months; 4. External services: 1 service for drawing up of commercial strategy, target audience, brand building, and marketing strategy for potential markets and customers; 5. Participation in 1 European Education Fair. Taking into account the essence of the entrepreneurial idea implemented under the project, the project is in accordance with ISSS's thematic area "Informatics and ICT", in particular with the priority direction "web based applications for creation and exploitation of new services and products".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 12 Jun, 2019
End date 12 Dec, 2020
Contract date 12 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 250,000.00
Grant 200,000.00
Self finance 50,000.00
Total paid 63,651.26
EU participation percent 85.0%
