Roads and streets for the perfect city

"ARCHITEKTURA-DESIGN-URBANISM"EOOD is a company aiming at the implementation of engineering and consultancy services for the support of state and municipal bodies, and structures of small and medium businesses for the implementation of balanced territorial development of the urbanized territories in accordance with the National Concept for development of Bulgaria for the period 2013-2025. The aim is to improve transport and communication links, to create better living conditions, to find solutions for reducing the expressed spatial imbalances in the economic development through the implementation of engineering survey, design and consultancy activities related to the construction of transport communication systems. The consumers of the entrepreneurial idea are the public and business structures and all the citizens and guests of the Republic of Bulgaria, using the transport infrastructure. A team of engineers and designers with relevant theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills will be formed for the implementation of the project proposal and specialized high-tech equipment and consumables will be delivered. Studies and analyzes, assessments and strategies will be carried out to ensure a faster and more successful implementation on the engineering and consulting services market. The creation of a website and the presentation of the company and its activity at specialized events, 8 events in the country and one abroad has also been envisaged. Through the project proposal, the development and sustainability of the newly established company will be achieved and the entrepreneurial idea for the provision of engineering research, design and consultancy services will be implemented on the market. Sustainable and quality jobs will be established, and the overall employment rate in the economy will increase, there will be a positive social and environmental impact.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 29 Aug, 2019
End date 28 Feb, 2021
Contract date 29 Aug, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 159,235.60
Grant 127,388.47
Self finance 31,847.13
Total paid 46,470.38
EU participation percent 85.0%
