Encouraging Entrepreneurship in MAULBEER LTD

"MAULBEER" LTD. is a company registered in 2017 with a main subject of activity-computer programming. The main objective of the present project is to ensure the sustainable and competitive development of the enterprise through the realization on the market of an entrepreneurial idea falling within the NSESME sectors, as a priority for the creation and development of new enterprises, namely: plug in to software for 3D architectural modeling designed to calculate the sound distribution in the projected environment in order to facilitate architects in designing the acoustic properties of halls/buildings falling within code of main economic activity 62.01. Computer programming. The realization of the entrepreneurial idea will have a direct positive social and environmental effect and it will also correspond to the thematic fields ICT and Informatics, New Technologies in Creative and Recreational Industries and Industry for Healthy Life and Biotechnology of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization. The project will be implemented by implementing the following set of activities: Activity 1: Activity for realization of the entrepreneurial idea on the market - within which will be: - formed a team of qualified personnel, needed for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; -realized investments in FTA, creating the necessary technological prerequisites for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; - developed software, creating the necessary program prerequisites for realization of the entrepreneurial idea; - rented work space; - developed a market analysis and a marketing plan for market realization, creating prerequisites for successful marketing realization, as a source of expert information for appropriate and market-specific actions in this process. Activity 2: Activity for project visualization - resulting in publicity and visualization of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 26 Jul, 2019
End date 26 Jan, 2021
Contract date 26 Jul, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 246,349.00
Grant 197,079.20
Self finance 49,269.80
Total paid 137,764.36
EU participation percent 85.0%
