The present project was prepared by "Bio Antiseptica" Ltd., a Bulgarian micro enterprise with main activity "Development, production and trade in cosmetic products", CEA 2008 code 20.42 "Manufacture of perfumes and toiletries". This is the first project of the company and so far no minimum state aid has been used. The entrepreneurial idea consists in the production of cosmetic products containing natural antiseptics and biologically active substances. It is planned to purchase and put into operation 1 (one) of the following: Cosmetic Emulsion homogenizer, Dosing agent for liquid products, Deionizer, pH meter, Refractometer, Melting Point Apparatus, Viscosimeter, Microscope, representing TFA. The total value of the project is 249 885.43 BGN. It will be implemented in the thematic area "Industry for Healthy Living and Biotechnology" of ISIS, on the territory of Pazardzhik and falls within the priority thematic areas of ISIS for the region. The aim of the project is: "Creation and development of a new productional micro-enterprise in priority sector C20" Production of chemical products "of NSPSME 2014-2020 The duration of the project is 15 (fifteen) months. The activities included are as follows: "Development and realization of Entrepreneurship Ideas (products)" and "Development of Project Visualization". The project is in line with the principles of horizontal policies set out in Art. 7 and Art. 8 of Regulation (EU) № 1303/2013 of the EP and the EU as follows: "Sustainable development-support for projects contributing to the environmental protection, resource efficiency, adaptation and mitigation to climate change effects" and "Equality and non-discrimination ". The Beneficiary will necessarily apply the procedure for designating a contractor "Selection by Public Invitation" under the terms and conditions provided in Decree 160 / 01.07.2016, since the amount of the BFP is higher than 50% of the total amount of the approved project.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 05 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 14 Jan, 2021 |
Contract date | 05 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 226,636.54 |
Grant | 181,309.23 |
Self finance | 45,327.31 |
Total paid | 167,110.63 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |