The production processes in the various branches of the heavy and food industries are serious consumers of both raw materials and energy, as well as huge amount of water. Water is used as an ingredient for the transport of raw materials, as well as for the sanitation of facilities, work areas, etc. As a result, large amount of waste water are polluted with biodegradable liquid and solid waste. Laboratory analysis and wastewater research are becoming increasingly important for industrial production due to strict regulations and measures related to environmental protection and the results of the analyzes are used to develop wastewater treatment and management plans. The project proposal concerns the development of a high-tech laboratory on the territory of the town of Vidin for analysis of waste water in production enterprises in order to improve the harmful impact on the environment; As one of the main weaknesses for the Northwest Region, we can point out the insufficient build-up and efficiency of such systems, and in addition to the growth of industrial production, the need for laboratory wastewater analyzes and measures to reduce environmental damage are expanded. The project proposal falls within the priority area of bio-technologies with direct application for a healthy lifestyle of the thematic area "Healthy Life and Bio-Technology Industry", defined in the ISIS. The project proposal is in line with the National Strategy for Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises 2014-2020 for the development of new businesses in specific areas related to overcoming European and regional challenges, promoting entrepreneurship, developing a competitive and growth and ensuring stable economic growth and sustainable employment through the realization and marketing of entrepreneurial products and services.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 06 Mar, 2020 |
Contract date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 245,500.00 |
Grant | 196,400.00 |
Self finance | 49,100.00 |
Total paid | 194,491.13 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |