This project proposal aims to support and encourage the entrepreneurship of iRoboInvest Services Ltd. within the prioritized by “NSESMEs 2014-2020” sector J58 Publishing activities, as well as the market realization of a financial-technological product with educational purposes. Within the project the following activities are included: 1. Realization and market offering of the entrepreneurial idea through: -Recruitment of a highly-qualified employees–5 people; -Delivery of a specialized equipment(server configurations-2 units, computer configurations for development activities type1–2pcs.and type2–1pcs; tablets–3 unites; mobile devices type1–2pcs, type2- 2pcs and type3-1pcs.); and software (API module for authentication and authorization-1 pcs.). - Creation of market analysis and marketing plan for market realization of the product; - Creation of webpage of the candidate. 2. Visualization of the project through: creation of 1 informational poster; 1000 leaflets and 15 stickers. For the realization of the project the team will be familiarized with the goals, activities, schedule, project budget; clear definition and allocation of tasks and responsibilities, constant management of the scope, schedule, budget, quality, communications, HR, supplies and risks; popularization of the contribution of the EU and OPIC; The project execution will result in achievement of the following results: 1.Started business venturing of the company, realized and applied on the market entrepreneurial idea; 2.Recruitment and employment of a highly-qualified personnel for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; 3.Sustainability and stability of the newly-created entity and newly-created jobs; 4.Increased competitiveness and increased opportunities for export; 5.Increased net revenues and EBITDA; 6.Delivered and implemented specialized equipment and software, all needed for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; 7.Popularization of the contribution of EU and OPIC;
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 May, 2019 |
End date | 27 Nov, 2020 |
Contract date | 31 May, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 249,690.05 |
Grant | 199,752.04 |
Self finance | 49,938.01 |
Total paid | 199,546.81 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |