Realization of the entrepreneurial idea of iRoboInvest Services Ltd for creation of an innovative financial-technological product with educational purposes

This project proposal aims to support and encourage the entrepreneurship of iRoboInvest Services Ltd. within the prioritized by “NSESMEs 2014-2020” sector J58 Publishing activities, as well as the market realization of a financial-technological product with educational purposes. Within the project the following activities are included: 1. Realization and market offering of the entrepreneurial idea through: -Recruitment of a highly-qualified employees–5 people; -Delivery of a specialized equipment(server configurations-2 units, computer configurations for development activities type1–2pcs.and type2–1pcs; tablets–3 unites; mobile devices type1–2pcs, type2- 2pcs and type3-1pcs.); and software (API module for authentication and authorization-1 pcs.). - Creation of market analysis and marketing plan for market realization of the product; - Creation of webpage of the candidate. 2. Visualization of the project through: creation of 1 informational poster; 1000 leaflets and 15 stickers. For the realization of the project the team will be familiarized with the goals, activities, schedule, project budget; clear definition and allocation of tasks and responsibilities, constant management of the scope, schedule, budget, quality, communications, HR, supplies and risks; popularization of the contribution of the EU and OPIC; The project execution will result in achievement of the following results: 1.Started business venturing of the company, realized and applied on the market entrepreneurial idea; 2.Recruitment and employment of a highly-qualified personnel for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; 3.Sustainability and stability of the newly-created entity and newly-created jobs; 4.Increased competitiveness and increased opportunities for export; 5.Increased net revenues and EBITDA; 6.Delivered and implemented specialized equipment and software, all needed for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; 7.Popularization of the contribution of EU and OPIC;

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 May, 2019
End date 27 Nov, 2020
Contract date 31 May, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,690.05
Grant 199,752.04
Self finance 49,938.01
Total paid 199,546.81
EU participation percent 85.0%
