Development of new enterprise "Mopic" Ltd

The project is aimed at developing a new enterprise Mopic Ltd, which will successfully fulfil a sustainable entrepreneurial idea in sector J58 "Publishing", as a priority of National Strategy for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 2014-2020 and falling within the thematic areas of ISIS - "New Technologies in the Creative and Recreational Industries ". The project will support hiring of 4 people qualified personnel, 3 of which will be sustainable, and the development of the entrepreneurial idea will lead to growth of both the newly established enterprises and the Net Sales Revenue, that will create. The entrepreneurial idea is related to the creation and distribution of an electronic periodical internet edition "Oftopik", which will present the socio-cultural, business and other important regional topics and news with a focus on the positive and real representation of the region and the information among the readers. It will have both a social and ecological effect.
In order to achieve the main objective of the project two activities are envisaged - for realization of the entrepreneurial idea in the market by hiring 4 people qualified personnel, incl. of a disabled person, purchase of Long-term tangible asset- server system - 1 pc., laptop - 3 pcs., voice recorder - 1 pc; camera - 1; Long-term intangible asset - specialized software "Media Manager", rental of workspace, development of a website. An activity of Visualization of the project is also planned.
As a result of the implementation of the project will be:
 - Established sustainable new enterprise operating in J58 sector "Publishing"; 
- Sustainable employment of 3 persons, one of them with disabilities;
 - Achieved ecological and social effect;
 - Achieved market applicability.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 May, 2019
End date 22 Apr, 2021
Contract date 28 May, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 238,356.02
Grant 190,684.81
Self finance 47,671.21
Total paid 166,112.51
EU participation percent 85.0%
