ITV Tech Ltd. is young company created in 2017. focused on developing, production and market realization of an entrepreneurial product-device for remote management of servers through out Internet, within the scope of the priority area "Wireless Sensor Networks and Wireless Communication / Governance" by the ISIC-designated thematic area "Informatics and ICT". As we all know, computer and communications technology has changed the world significantly. Their usage is strongly represented both in the small activities we take for granted in our daily routines, as well in the provision of enormous in their complexity and importance systems that improve the quality of life. The entrepreneurs of ITV Tech Ltd. aim to development and realize on the market an enterprise product "device for remote management of servers through out Internet" for the needs of data centers and all enterprises that want to improve the efficiency of management and monitoring of the available computer equipment. Both the entrepreneur and the project team of experts have solid experience in the field of computer technology; Through the services provided by the project and the purchase of specialized assets, the young company will have the opportunity to work in the most intensive sector of production and realization of computer components. The project proposal match the National SME Promotion Strategy 2014-2020 for the development of new enterprises in specific areas related to overcoming European and regional challenges, promoting entrepreneurship, developing competitive and efficient production and ensuring a stable economic growth as well as sustainable employment through the realization and marketing of entrepreneurial products and services.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 10 Jul, 2020 |
Contract date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 248,100.00 |
Grant | 198,480.00 |
Self finance | 49,620.00 |
Total paid | 167,064.72 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |