Promoting entrepreneurship by investing in the cosmetics industry

This project proposal aims to support a newly established company, manufacturing cosmetic products - Cossara Cosmetics Ltd, in the village of Sbor, Pazardjik municipality. The project provides for investing in new equipment for the production of high-quality toilet soaps, containing healthy and natural ingredients. The Company's product shall be produced on the basis of extracts of vegetable oils (without animal fats) with added Bulgarian essential oils. The project will provide an opportunity for implementation of the entrepreneurial idea of the Applicant, including as follows: - Providing specialized equipment for the production of high-quality toilet soaps on the basis of Bulgarian healthy and natural ingredients; - Ensuring the sustainable employment of 3 persons, specialized in the production of cosmetic products, including one person with permanent disabilities; - Promoting the entrepreneurial product through a specially created website, presenting the applicant and the Cossara Brand products; - Development of a process plan (technology) for the production of special series of toilet soaps, made on the basis of natural ingredients with added Bulgarian essential oils. The duration of the project shall be 10 months. All activities shall be carried out in the village of Sbor, Pazardzik municipality at a production base, specially rented for the manufacturing process.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 10 Jun, 2019
End date 11 Feb, 2021
Contract date 10 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 233,976.00
Grant 187,180.80
Self finance 46,795.20
Total paid 186,332.70
EU participation percent 85.0%
