The entrepreneurial idea of the applicant is aimed at producing double-sided holographic showcase for vizualization (HV). Hologram showcase is a device consisting of: external housing, transparent glasses with special coating, TV display, computer, panoramic AHD camera, mini camera, mini microphone, fan. The design system allows a 3D view of the object to be displayed in the shop window, which can be seen on both sides. In the world of advertising, the hologram showcase is an innovative method and through it the projected image looks intriguing and attractive. The representative look of the hologram showcase allows a wide range of applicability and is a worthy alternative to traditional advertising. The developed product is entirely within the thematic area "Mechatronics and Clean Technologies", the priority "machine building and instrumentation, including parts, components and systems, with emphasis on transport and energy". The realization of the entrepreneurial idea will be achieved through the following activities: • Hire of working spaces • Purchase of tangible fixed assets - plant and equipment including: - Cutting and nesting laser - 1 pc. - Laser marking system - 1 pc. - Electrolytic Plasma Polishing System - 1 pc. • Forming a applicant's team • Ensuring publicity and visualization of the project The presented two-sided hologram showcase has the following characteristics: • guaranteed high quality and continuous operation of the device; • similarity between the projected image and the actual product; • Attractive, attractive, and intriguing representation of the image; • low power consumption; • the lack of need for special 3D glasses; Through the realization and marketing of the entrepreneurial idea a positive effect on the applicant's sustainability, economic efficiency and competitiveness, creation and stability of jobs will be achieved.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 05 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 05 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 05 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 249,998.16 |
Grant | 199,998.53 |
Self finance | 49,999.63 |
Total paid | 164,064.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |