Sustainable implementation and marketing of ICYou (Interactive Care for You) - an interactive platform for control and regulation of drug intake and regimen by medical specialists and patients

This project proposal fully responds to the need to achieve positive effects and sustainability of start-ups by creating job stability and achieving growth through the realization and offering of a product of an entrepreneurial idea. The applicant is the representative of the target group for the procedure and is a representative of a sector declared as a priority sector for the creation and development of new enterprises from NSMEPA 2014-2020 - the sector of "IT activities", falling within one of the thematic areas of ISS 2014 -2020 - "Informatics and ICT", while satisfying several priority directions of this field. Target group of the outcomes of this project proposal are drug users, nutritional supplements, adherence to specific regimens and all relevant to the above mentioned. The main objective of the project proposal is the creation of an interactive platform and the necessary infrastructure for its sustainable supply and realization on the market, and through the implementation of the project, the company implements a strategy for imposing and sustaining the entrepreneurial service market. Expected results from the implementation of the project are the creation and sustainable realization of the entrepreneurial idea, incl. creating the necessary infrastructure, such as: 1) Creating an innovative interactive platform for control and regulation of medication intake and special lifestyle; 2) Creating sustainable jobs; 3) Ensuring social and environmental impact and sustainable development. 4) Increasing the level of entrepreneurial innovative activity, capacity and potential of the enterprise; 5) Generating knowledge and experience contributing to a more efficient and sustainable technological and production process; 6) Optimizing the conditions for creation and realization of innovative products and services; 7) Implementation of high-tech equipment for the realization of the entrepreneurial activity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 05 Jun, 2019
End date 05 Dec, 2020
Contract date 05 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 245,270.00
Grant 196,216.00
Self finance 49,054.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
