Promoting Entrepreneurship in Research and Development at R N Hop Ltd.

R N Hop Ltd. is a newly established company at the end of 2017 with the entrepreneurial idea of implementing research and development activity in the field of technical sciences and, in particular, in the development of gluten-free dough and sugar products. The main goal is to be researched, described and documented through technological analyses, the developed production processes of gluten-free baking, identifying a successful model to solve a specific social problem through a sustainable business. The realization of the entrepreneurial initiative will be fulfilled in a priority sector of the National Strategy on SME Promotion M72-Scientific research and development. At the same time, the project will be implemented in the ISSS thematic area-“Industry for Healthy lifestyle and BioTech” in the part “Methods for clean production, conservation and reaching the final consumer of specific Bulgarian products and elements”. The initiator of the idea combines prioritized criteria of the procedure being a female entrepreneur, aged over 50 and under 64 at the date of application. With the given opportunity to apply for and receive a subsidy under this procedure, is planned to be provided the necessary resources for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea goals by: - gathering of a highly qualified team of specialists for research and development of various manufacturing technologies for gluten-free products, with preserved qualitative indicators of healthy and ecological life for the consumers and the environment; - ensuring the necessary material and technical base and highly-analytical equipment; - development of a platform for assessment, sensory analysis and feedback from reference groups on the technologies developed. The accomplishment of the project activities will lead to a successfully realized entrepreneurial idea and the expected results for research and development of vital technologies with guaranteed stable economic growth and sustainable employment.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Jun, 2019
End date 02 Feb, 2021
Contract date 06 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 241,219.57
Grant 192,975.66
Self finance 48,243.91
Total paid 180,466.29
EU participation percent 85.0%
