Development of a new enterprise - "Healthy Buddy" Ltd, through the realization of an entrepreneurial idea in the field of Informatics and ICT

The project proposal envisages the development of "Health Buddy" Ltd. through the realization of an entrepreneurial idea, namely the creation of a software platform called HealthyBuddy, which will help to educate healthy habits, socially responsible and ecological behavior in children. The HealthyBuddy platform will be available for use through web and mobile applications. In the ICT era when every child spends most of their day surfing the Internet or playing on a mobile device or computer, the wide and limitless opportunities, that ICT provide, should be used as much as possible for purposes that do not simply bring revenue to creators, but to improve the ecological status of the planet and bringing a serious social effect at the same time. Through a fun, unobtrusive and consistent approach, the software platform will drive children to more movement, environmental habits, good deeds and healthy eating, and parents will be able to be both active participants and active viewers of real-world data on their child's development. Thanks to the procedure BG16RFOP002-2.024 "Promotion of Entrepreneurship" and through activities, that are eligible under the procedure, the entrepreneurial idea of ​​"Healty Buddy" OOD will be realized on the market. The entrepreneurial idea falls directly into one of the priority areas of ISIS, namely "Informatics and ICT" , and which idea has a direct social effect and a direct contribution to addressing today's environmental problems, creating new jobs in the Northeast Planning Region, including people with permanent disabilities, as well as ensuring sustainable jobs of 3 employees hired during the implementation of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 10 Jun, 2019
End date 15 Jan, 2021
Contract date 10 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 214,570.86
Grant 171,656.69
Self finance 42,914.17
Total paid 153,938.61
EU participation percent 85.0%
