"Lyatno Kino" Ltd. is a newly established company with a main activity of screening of films. The creation of mobile cinema is an entrepreneurial initiative through which the company aims to develop and achieve sustainability on the one hand and to satisfy the cultural needs of the population on the other. With the execution of the entrepreneurial idea, high quality services will be provided in the screening of films, which will enrich the society thanks to their message, which brings the new perspectives they reveal. Clients of the provided service will be residents of the mostly Northwest region, also other regions of the country where the quality of life will be improved. The entrepreneurial initiative will contribute to reducing unemployment and poverty, economic backwardness, environmental protection, and overcoming the demographic collapse in the region. Access to 7th art will provide an alternative for young people to spend their leisure time and will work to prevent bad behavior among them. A team of specialists, who possess relevant theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills, will be formed to carry out the project proposal; high-tech equipment and software will be delivered. For a faster and more successful realization of the entrepreneurial idea, a marketing plan and a created website will be prepared. Through the implementation of the project proposal, sustainable and quality jobs will be created and the overall employment rate in the economy will be increased, the social effect will be achieved by creating opportunities for social integration, creating added value for society and saving costs for consumers. entrepreneurial idea. A significant contribution will also be made to reduce the impact on the environment and to achieve a more efficient and responsible use of natural resources. The entrepreneurial idea falls within the thematic area "New Technologies in Creative and Recreational Industries".
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 21 May, 2019 |
End date | 14 Jan, 2021 |
Contract date | 21 May, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 249,990.00 |
Grant | 199,992.00 |
Self finance | 49,998.00 |
Total paid | 189,557.07 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |