With his current project proposal"Moku Pradaction",plans to set up an independent production company to offer high quality and competitive services in the field of video production,commercials and other TV productionsThe company plans to specialize and realize as a key unit in the pre-production process.The company plans to specialize and realize as a key unit in the pre-production process and production.The pre-production stage includes:(1)choosing a location for the photos(obtaining and issuing permits and providing transport);(2)providing the necessary equipment for capture:camera or camera(s),tripods,stabilization system,viewfinder,sound equipment,lighting equipment,screens and more and (3)choosing the team(actor, statistician, etc.)for the production.The production phase is the phase of filming(compliance with the script and the quality of the materials)."Moku Prodaction" also offers scenario development and product filing services at the request of the end customer.Through its project proposal,"Moku Production" will create a production company that will offer high quality and competitive services and productsin the field of video,film,TV and advertising production on the Bulgarian market.The following activities will be carried out for the implementation of the project: 1)Activity for realization of the entrepreneurial ideas market and 2)Visualization activity.In order to achieve these goals,the company plans to:1.purchase the necessary equipment needed for the production of sound recordings(sound equipment, lighting equipmen,video equipment and computer);2.employ a team of proficient professionals with professional experience in the television industry as well as talented young people familiar with the innovation in this field; 3.will employ the necessary base (premises) for realization of his/her design intent;4.Establishment of the company's internet site and 5.Use of services related to the preparation of a financial assessment of the entrepreneurial idea.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 05 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 05 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 05 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 186,769.18 |
Grant | 149,415.34 |
Self finance | 37,353.84 |
Total paid | 7,515.01 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |