Realization of entrepreneurial idea, through publication and distribution of Interactive E-Book "Road Safety": aid for additional self-training of all participants in road traffic – applicants and drivers of vehicles, pedestrians and especially children, cyclists and persons with disabilities, for improvement of their basic preparation and skills for coping with critical situations on the road

The successful implementation of the project satisfies the need to provide support to start-ups in order to have positive effects in terms of their sustainable development, job creation and stability, and growth through the realization and supply of a competitive product resulting from an entrepreneurial idea. Angelova Driving Academy EOOD is the representative of the target group of the procedure, as the implementation of the project is related to the construction of infrastructure for the realization of an entrepreneurial idea, named "Road Safety" e-book falling within one of the thematic areas of ISSS - New Technologies in Creative and Recreational Industries - Cultural and Creative Industries - Publishing. Through the implementation of the project, the company incorporates its strategy for creating a sustainable infrastructure for development of competitive advantages based on an entrepreneurial idea. The realization of a modern and new entrepreneurial product, results in creating a sustainable, social and ecological business. The expected results from the implementation of the project contribute to achieving a positive impact on the sustainability of start-ups such as Angelova Driving Academies EOOD, inclusively by creating and ensuring stability and job sustainability and achieving growth through the realization of the entrepreneurial idea on the market. The results are achieved by: 1) Creating conditions for sustainable realization and distribution of an entrepreneurial idea. 2) Ensuring the successful implementation of a viable and economically sustainable and applicable product. 3) Launching a product with high added value, through social integration opportunities and optimizing end-user costs. 4) Launching an environmental product with a direct focus on sustainable reduction of environmental impact and more efficient use of resources.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 10 Jun, 2019
End date 10 Dec, 2020
Contract date 10 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,997.00
Grant 199,997.60
Self finance 49,999.40
Total paid 116,703.21
EU participation percent 85.0%
