The entrepreneurial idea is related to the new multimedia and interactive trends in the modern educational process. By developing our main business - Production of films and TV shows, we will produce rich audio and video content to support the development of an educational portal for virtual learning and the development of child-friendly audiovisual products.They will form the basis of the educational software product. Most of the videos will be made in a way that allows them to be broadcast on some TV channels as well. Creating informative and training presentations, filming open lessons about exchanging experiences and sharing best practices among teachers for mutual assistance will also be part of the content. By realizing the activities described in Section 7, we plan to purchase equipment and software that will enable us to provide a competitive service at a high level. This is essential for us, because the field in which we chose to sell is characterized by a high degree of creativity and if we are not adequate to the needs of our clients, we can not build long-term relationship with them. Through the implementation of the project proposal, we will be able to create content that will be used in the development of: didactic games, animated educational films, worksheets, intellectual exercises with audio instructions, etc. In this connection, we are planning to create a modern post-production studio for the production of educational, scientific and artistic films, audio materials, creation of informative and training presentations, interactive products and any other materials necessary for the realization of the project.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 04 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 249,912.63 |
Grant | 199,930.08 |
Self finance | 49,982.55 |
Total paid | 197,501.72 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |