The realization of the current project will support the development of NOAEE Ltd. - a newly established enterprise for the design of textiles by natural materials (silk, cotton and flax), which will develop its economic activity in sector C13.30 "Enrichment of yarns, fabrics and cloths", which is a priority for creation and development of new enterprises according to the National Strategy for Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 2014-2020. The activity of NOEAE Ltd falls entirely within the scope of the thematic area "New Technologies in Creative and Recreational Industries" by ISIS and in particular corresponds directly to the cultural and creative industries. The project support will lead to a sustainable economic presence on the Bulgarian and world markets, the stability of the newly created workplaces and the achievement of revenue growth through the realization of the entrepreneurial idea of ​​the enterprise, the project envisages the realization of the following main activities: 1) Activity for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea market (product goods and / or services), 2) Project visualization activity. The activities for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea market will be realized through the formation of a qualified team, the acquisition of a system for digital printing of natural fabrics, creation of a website and visualization activity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 12 Jun, 2019
End date 04 Feb, 2021
Contract date 12 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 250,000.00
Grant 200,000.00
Self finance 50,000.00
Total paid 199,265.64
EU participation percent 85.0%
