MAT MED Ltd. is a newly established company, registered in Pleven and the owner of 51% of the capital is a 28 years woman. The main scope of activity of the company is: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF NATURAL, MEDICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES, etc. The activity of MAT MED falls within the definition of start-up entrepreneurs who define their product as a new one for a particular consumer sector, which is not offered from many other business representatives in the respective business sector. The subject of the present project proposal is the development of MAT MED through the establishment of a system for carrying out scientific research activities in the health sector - innovative new type of clinical studiesamp;trials, which are not available in the sector, which falls within the priority areas of the ISIS and in particular in the sector of "Healthy Life and Bio-Technology" of ISIS, and in particular activities related to "personal medicine, diagnostics and individual therapy, medical and pharmaceutical forms and means". The essence of the scientific and research activities will include: -Research and analysis of the success of operations in the sectors of orthopedics, traumatology, cardiac surgery, dermatology, etc. -Research, selection, processing and reporting of clinical data from laboratories and surgeries in the relevant medical fields -Pilot studies of new for the market medical devices -Research, collection, analysis and reporting of information on rare diseases in Bulgaria Within the framework of the project, a team of 3 specialists will be appointed to collect and process the necessary data for conducting the clinical studies and analyzes,to design them with the help of the specialized software in certain categories and to present them in a ready format to the users. The main activities to be implemented are: 1)Activity for realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea 2)Project visualization
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 13 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 166,070.28 |
Grant | 132,856.23 |
Self finance | 33,214.05 |
Total paid | 71,940.36 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |