This project proposal aims to develop the start-up enterprise New Generation Arts Ltd., which will realize its entrepreneurial idea within one of the priority sectors of the National SME Promotion Strategy 2014-2020 - J59 "Production of films, television broadcasts, sound recording and music publishing ". The entrepreneurial idea envisages the development of a new and perspective market niche - professional shooting, live broadcasting and video content production to cover small events with limited budgets. The target groups of clients are various businesses, sports organizations, universities, educational institutions, municipalities, NGOs, event organizers, advertising agencies, etc. The main activities necessary for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea market include: • Creating a team of specialists with complementary experience and qualifications • Buying and assembling a modern, high-performance mini TV station that will be used to cover events, both via recording and through live broadcasting on the Internet or TV • Provide the team with the necessary work spaces, materials and consumables Besides offering an affordable alternative, the entrepreneurial idea is also innovative because of the wide use of ICT capabilities. The Mini TV station will be based on one of the latest standards for content delivery through a network connection - Network Device Interface®. The main results of the implementation of the project are: • Increasing the applicant's resilience and competitiveness • Establishing and maintaining sustainable jobs for qualified staff – it will ensure sustainable employment of at least 3 persons • Realized net sales revenue of more than 50% of the requested financial support. • Weighted EBITDA for the period N - N + 2 more than 15% of the requested financial support.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 17 Mar, 2021 |
Contract date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 224,067.00 |
Grant | 179,253.60 |
Self finance | 44,813.40 |
Total paid | 152,858.89 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |