Internal Combustion Engines Regeneration / Overhaul / Company

Car maintenance starts with computer diagnostics, continues with computer prophylaxis and ends with technical repair and troubleshooting. Vehicle computer diagnostics and engine operating parameters are also an indispensable part of the vehicle regeneration activities for cars. A major part of the cars in Bulgaria are over 20 years old, while a much smaller part - 17% are under 10 years old respectively. The main activity of the current project - the regeneration of internal combustion engines, means major repairs, plus innovations, computerization, alternative fuels and other improvements. Regeneration will satisfy the wishes and needs of old car owners to have economical, reliable, perfectly-performing engines. We offer a cost-effective new engine with quality and mileage guarantees. The purpose of the project is to create a stable and innovative business that brings secure revenues, prospects for expansion and development and a number of benefits to society and the region. We expect the idea to achieve a reduction in exhaust emissions and harmful effects on the environment. Regenerated customer cars will not be stopped due to excess emissions and will improve their functionality. Our goals are also to increase the opportunities for social integration and employment of people from vulnerable groups, non-discrimination, and promote equality between men and women. Our project proposal for engine regeneration includes technical and engineering activities that require modern equipment and appropriate conditions and premises, as well as a solid knowledge in the industry and a qualified team. The candidate already has the necessary qualifications, experience and competent team to implement the project. With this project proposal, we would like to apply for funding to provide the necessary equipment and premises.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 05 Jun, 2019
End date 05 Dec, 2020
Contract date 05 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 248,000.00
Grant 198,400.00
Self finance 49,600.00
Total paid 153,040.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
