"Virgin Analyst" Ltd. is a company founded in 2017 with main activity research and development in the field of medicine - fundamental and applied research and experimental development. The main objective of the present project is to ensure the sustainable and competitive development of the enterprise through the realization on the market of an entrepreneurial idea falling within the sectors of NSSME's, which are identified as priorities for creation and development of new enterprises, namely:providing a R amp; D service in the field of medicine covering the delivery of results from fundamental and applied research based on the collection, processing and systematization of large medical data bases (Big Data) in the form of analyzes / reports intended for end users. The realization of the entrepreneurial idea will have a direct positive social and ecological effect and it will also correspond to the thematic areas "ICT and Informatics", the priority area "Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies and ICT Approaches in Medicine" and "Healthy Life and Biotechnology Industry" priority direction of personal medicine, diagnostics and individual therapy, medical and pharmaceutical forms and means of ISIS.The project will be implemented by implementing the following set of activities: Activity 1: Activity for realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea, in which will be formed a team of qualified personnel needed for realization of the entrepreneurial idea, investments in FTA will be made, creating the necessary technological prerequisites for realization of the entrepreneurial idea and a market analysis and marketing plan for its market realization will be developed, creating prerequisites for successful market realization as a source of expert information for appropriate and market-specific actions in this process. Activity 2: Activity for project visualization - resulting in publicity and visualization of the project.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 23 May, 2019 |
End date | 23 Nov, 2020 |
Contract date | 23 May, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 249,999.00 |
Grant | 199,999.20 |
Self finance | 49,999.80 |
Total paid | 121,238.88 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |