Promoting of entrepreneurship in GVENDULIN FILMS LTD

The project proposal is aimed at establishing an innovative platform for creating alternative video content, professionally filmed, with structured processes (short films, serials, video blogs, advertising, music videos). This will be achieved through the implementation of a set of complementary measures within the activity of market implementing of the entrepreneurial idea. For the purpose of the entrepreneurial idea, a new enterprise was created, falling among the priority sectors of the National Strategy for Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 2014-2020. All the investments envisaged to be implemented within the framework of this project are aimed precisely at the successful realization of the entrepreneurial idea through the recruitment of qualified staff with the necessary professional experience and relevant education (Producer, Production Manager, Montage, Cinema, Video, TV, Production Director, Executive Producer, Technician, Film Technician), as well as by introducing modern solutions in the form of purchasing modern equipment for production, transmission, processing and storage of audiovisual content, the use of high added value services (market analysis and research), rental of a workplace, and contributing to the achievement of greater efficiency and efficiency in the company. In order to ensure compliance with the Unified Manual, the implementation of publicity and visualization measures is planned within the project. Through the implementation of the envisaged activities, which will be assigned in compliance with the requirements of CM Decree 160 / 01.07.2016 and ZUESEF, the company will fulfill its goal of realizing on the market an entrepreneurial idea, thus increasing its competitiveness and market stability significantly.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Jun, 2019
End date 09 Mar, 2021
Contract date 13 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,840.00
Grant 199,872.00
Self finance 49,968.00
Total paid 198,101.24
EU participation percent 85.0%
