The subject matter of the current project proposal is the establishment and distribution of an interactive self-study guide Dance in the Mood. The project satisfies the need of enhancing competitiveness of SME. Act Project LTD is a representative of the target audience of the procedure, including start- ups in cultural and creative industries, which have challenges associated with raising capital for the development of their products and services. The product launched with the current project is in the priority area of Innovative strategy for intelligent specialization ( ISIS) – “New technology in creative and recreative industries” in the direction cultural and creative industries and development of educational and entertaining products. The main aim of the project proposal is the development of the start-up Act Project LTD through creation and distribution of the interactive self-study guide Dance in the Mood. The achievement of the main aim is accompanied with the achievement of specific goals, including : 1) Enhancing competitiveness of the start-up, including through investments in human capital and generation of knowledge and know how from the experts in the start-up. 2) Launching and development of new products in the field of cultural and creative industries, through implementation of new technology and distribution of the product in online environment. 3) Elaboration of economically sustainable, with potential for development and multiplication product
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 22 Apr, 2021 |
Contract date | 06 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 221,486.00 |
Grant | 177,188.80 |
Self finance | 44,297.20 |
Total paid | 176,384.33 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |