The project proposal "Support for new energy efficient solutions in air-conditioning" is an initiative for obtaining financial support through OP "Innovation and Competitiveness" for development, production and realization of an innovative product for micro climate control in small domestic and / or working premises. UNIVERSAL COOLING BOX is a household electric appliance for local cooling of a small area with an innovative technology for the Bulgarian and European market, saving the financial and energy resources and human health. he project is a complex argumentation of the feasibility of the entrepreneurial idea, including a description of the specific activities and the associated costs leading to its implementation; an analysis of the efficiency of the entrepreneurial initiative and of the possibilities for marketing the produced commodity, as well as a plan for the financial profitability formulated in the Business Plan. The project proposal also includes measures for energy efficiency and sustainable development, conditions for the creation of long-term and sustainable employment of qualified specialists and added value through a wide-ranging social effect. The project and the activities and costs included therein fully correspond to the eligible ones specified in the Applicant's Terms. The objectives and results envisaged are in favor of overcoming the challenges to the sustainability and efficiency of the Bulgarian economy in terms of economic activity, entrepreneurial profile and territorial prioritization. In addition, the production proposed for funding is clearly in the Thematic Areas of ISIS, the Mechatronics and Clean Technology section, as it offers an innovative approach to cooling energy consumption, which will simultaneously save multiple electricity, will lead to a negligible environmental risk when eventual failure and will achieve the desired end-user result.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 12 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 09 Mar, 2021 |
Contract date | 12 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 230,211.20 |
Grant | 184,168.97 |
Self finance | 46,042.23 |
Total paid | 182,900.34 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |